#67 2011 Case-IH 7120
Current Bid:
USD $176,000.00
# of Bids

luxury cab, leather, buddy seat, AFX rotor, Field Tracker, deluxe controls, Pro 600 wired for auto steer,, power reverser, rock trap, chopper, long auger, power tailboard spreader, Y&M, electric mirrors, rotary beacon, both sets concaves, rear hitch, 520/85R42 straddle duals, 28L-26 rear tires, 658 sep. hrs., 794 engine hrs.

Serial Number: YBG212747
TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.