#152 2012 JD S690
Current Bid:
USD $255,000.00
# of Bids
Contour-Master, deluxe controls, PRWD, integrated auto steer, TouchSet, 5 spd. feeder house, ProDrive, 26' high cap. unloading auger, power fold hopper, fine cut chopper, power tailboard, 900/65R32 single tires, 28LR-26 rear tires, 591 sep. hrs., 962 engine hrs.

Serial Number: 745655
TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.