sugarbeet harvester, 6x30" or 8x22", dual hyd. drive scrub chain elevator, rock struts, hyd. rear strut, Crookston Welding row finder and depth control, 500 acres on new tank chain, inside & outside scrub chain, pinch wheels & row finder, parts to make back to 8 row, **monitor & manual in KFGO bldg.** Serial Number: ITEM#:7193
air drill, 30', markers, auger, full run monitor, track eliminators, PTO hyd., new hyd. fan motor approx. 1,000 acres ago, new tires on seed cart, **monitor in KFGO bldg.** Serial Number: ITEM#:7233
chisel plow, 30', converted to NH3, 15" space, NH3 knives, MicroTrac MT3000 auto rate controller, **manual and monitor in KFGO bldg** Serial Number: ITEM#:6400