tractor tires used as livestock feeders, some turned, some not, various sizes & quality
tractor tires used as livestock feeders, some turned, some not, various sizes & quality
tractor tires used as livestock feeders, some turned, some not, various sizes & quality
bag scale, glass-covered display
gate/panel trailer, 4-wheel
stack mover, 540 PTO, hyd. drive, 8-rail, dual implement tires
disc, 20', wing fold, needs work
pickup box trailer, NO TITLE
sprayer, 3.5 hp. gas engine, 3 pt., parts only
700+/- posts, w/smooth and barbed wire, must be removed by Sept. 1, 2015
200+/-, must be removed by Sept. 1, 2015
10' tall, 10' wide, 450' +/-, must be removed by Sept. 1, 2015
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