AgIron Mt. Pleasant Event - Ring 1
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planter, 16R30, center fold, vacuum, draw  bar, markers, wing fold, S/N CBJ0018127 SEED  PLATES, CONTROL, AND MANUAL IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $18,000.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


planter, 24R20, front fold, nt coulters, seed  box extensions, markers, SN 750086

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $11,750.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


planter, 8R30, 15/15 pivot, ground driven,  draw bar, NT coulters, seed firmers on every  row, quick adjust rubber closing wheels, HD  spring pressure, (6,100 acres on unit, one  owner) S/N 903890 KPM III MONITOR, MANUAL, CORN AND BEAN METERS IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $31,000.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


planter, 12x30", front fold, vacuum, draw  bar, Max Emerge Plus, pin adjust shark tooth  row cleaners, spring down pressure, seed  firmers, set up for insecticide (less boxes),  Precision Planting 20/20 Seed Sensors, S/N H01760R675334

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $16,000.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


6R30" MaxEmerge II, precision planting, E set  units, liquid fert., insect., seed firmers,  Yetter no til coulters, trash whippers,  markers, S/N AO7200E201294 MONITOR & CORN/  BEAN METERS IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $6,250.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


planter, 4R36" ground driven w/ vacuum  assist, draw bar, insecticide boxes, markers,  no till coulters, rear spray nozzles, w/ red  ball indicator, S/N 201305, JD COMPUTER TRAK  200 MONITOR IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $3,750.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


planter, 12R30, front fold, ground driven, 2  pt., yetter trash wheels, no till coulters,  seed firmers, insect, liquid fert, markers,  S/N 610672A MONITOR & CONTROL IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $5,000.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


8R36, no-till coulters, John Blue squeeze  pump, end transport, liquid tanks, herbicide,  markers, S/N 079215A VANGARD CONTROL AND  MISC PARTS IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $3,500.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


planter, 8R30 ground driven, draw bar, trash  wheels, Yetter markers, seed firmers, drag  chains S/N 086719A CORN & BEAN METERS,  MONITOR, MANUALS & CHAINS IN OFFICE (2 BOXES,  2 TOTES, AND A BUCKET)

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $3,250.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


planter, 6R30, ground driven, draw bar,  markers, insect boxes, S/N 062658 MONITOR IN  OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $3,100.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


planter, 6R30, ground driven, draw bar, no  till coulters, insecticide, markers, S/N  075441A

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $3,100.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


conservation planter, 6R30", ground driven,  insecticide, JD MONITOR & MANUAL IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $2,800.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


13/15 interplant planter, ground driven, draw  bar, markers, S/N 75531A MONITOR AND TUB OF  PARTS IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $4,750.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


planter, 12R30", 15R15" rear fold, draw bar,  NT coulters, spring down pressure,  insecticide w/ spray nozzles, markers w/  extensions, S/N 2251758 MONITOR, CONTROL AND  BOOK IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $6,500.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


bulk fill grain drill, 20' ground driven,  draw bar, 3 pt mount or use Yetter draw bar  attachment, gauge wheels, press wheels,  markers, S/N JAG0852664 EARLY RISER MONITOR  IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $3,000.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


bulk fill planter, 8R30, 16/815, vacuum, draw  bar, DICKEY JOHN MONITOR IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $2,200.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


grain drill 15' ground driven, draw bar, 7  1/2" spacings, grass seed, yetter markers,  Vittetoe conveyor fill system, sping tine  harrow , CART DOLLY SELLS SEPARATE S/N  N00750X003709 MANUAL IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $12,000.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


draw bar,

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $200.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


grain drill, 15' wide, ground driven, 3 pt.,  SI meters for soy beans, spring tine harrow,  S/N JAG0440981 MANUAL IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $1,100.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


grain drill, 30', front fold, ground driven,  S I Belt Meters, Yetter No-Till Double Fold  Markers, Bulk Fill

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $7,000.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


no-till drill 6', w/ Grass seed, 7 1/2"  spacings S/N 1195Q0131

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $5,600.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


cyclo air planter, 8R 30, air, draw bar, 1000  PTO pump, sold with markers and trash whips  S/N 19131, MONITOR AND DRUMS IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $1,700.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


cyclo air planter, 12R30, 3 pt., hyd drive,  draw bar, trash wheels, wing fold, markers,  SEED DRUMS, BOOK AND MONITOR IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $750.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


cyclo air planter, 6R30", MONITOR & CORN AND  BEAN DRUM IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $1,400.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


planter, 12R30", vertical fold, air, 3 pt.,  bulk fill, 1000 PTO, S/N 09759U01992

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $1,100.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


round baler, net wrap, mega-wide plus, 1000  PTO, (NEW) 21.5L-16 tires, S/N E00568X335259

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $14,250.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


round baler, makes 5' bales, twine & surface  wrap, hyd reversible pickup, 31x13.5-15  tires, 14,825 bales 540 PTO, S/N HL80178 MONITOR IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $4,300.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


Baler, pull type, gathering wheels, 540 pto,  S/N P560 01333, Monitor in Office

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $1,500.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


round baler, 5x6 bale, twine only, 540 PTO,  S/N 873936 New belts in 2012, WARNING BUZZER  and MANUAL IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $2,100.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


round baler, twine wrap, 540 PTO, S/N 158784E

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $400.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


round baler, twine wrap, 540 PTO, S/N 517981  MONITOR IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $800.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


square baler 540 PTO, twine tie, (PTO SHAFT  IN TWINE BOX) 683519

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $5,400.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


small square baler, twine tie, 540 PTO, S/N  528419

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $800.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


small square baler, wire tire

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $650.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


V-rake, hydraulic fold

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $2,200.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


V-rake, 8 wheel, hyd. fold,

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $1,100.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


V-rake, 8 wheel, pull type, hyd. wing fold,

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $700.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


9 wheel straight hay rake pull type

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $2,100.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $1,000.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


basket rake, ground driven, dolly wheel, S/N  E00672X880621

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $2,650.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


hay rake, ground driven, dolly wheel, S/N  1047508

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $2,750.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


hay rake, ground driven, dolly wheel, S/N  731544

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $3,600.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


mower conditioner, S/N CFH0043755

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $1,250.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


mower conditioner, 540 PTO, 9', sickle bar,  rubber rolls, hyd swing, (no cylinder)

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $2,200.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


stock shredder, 14', 1000 PTO, S/N  eP00027X700447 MANUAL IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $3,900.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


disc mower, 1000 PTO, 10', 3 pt, Lift  Control, S/N 1072500C1086

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $5,000.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


disc mower, 540 PTO, 8', 3 pt, S/N  211-014-1398

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $2,300.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


disc mower, 540 PTO, 9', 3 pt., S/N 607208

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $2,750.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


disc mower, 540 PTO, 6', 3 pt., S/N  E00260A820874 MANUAL IN OFFICE

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $4,500.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast


disc mower 540 PTO, 7' 3 pt, S/N E00260A  787539

TERMS: As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.
USD $1,300.00

Closed Absentee/Webcast

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