heavy duty box scraper, 10'x30", dual clevis JD cyl., 11L-15 tires on 8-bolt hubs
14L tires
fixed axles, leaf spring air front axle, 12.5-15 tires, 95%, New hose
for side dressing, adj. width
on 4-wheel running gear, clevis hitch
mower, hyd. fold, safety chains, aircraft tires, 1000 PTO
batwing mower, 15', 540 PTO, solid tires
batwing mower, 10', 540 PTO
semi-mount plow, 6x18", trip beam
sprayer, 2 pt., 90' boom, 500 gal. tank, 3-boom control, Raven controls, hyd. pump, rear caster wheels, **manual and sprayer control in KFGO Bldg.**
pull-type sprayer, 90' suspended hyd. boom, 1,200 gal. fiberglass tank, 22" spacing, hyd. Hypro pump, 3-section boom, 14:00-24 tires, **monitor in KFGO Bldg.**
sprayer, 90' hyd. booms, 1,000 gal. poly tank, triple nozzle bodies, 20" space, 3-section boom, mix cone, Hypro hyd. pump, Raven 440 controller, touch down wheels, adj. axles, 14.9-46 tires, **controller in KFGO Bldg.**
pickup sprayer, 60' boom, 350 gal. tank, no boom control
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