corn head, 6 row, high tin, gear full of oil, chain adjusters are cleaned up & working
corn head, 6R30, knife rolls,
corn head, Hugger Head, knife rolls, S/N 063016449R8990
corn head, 30" spacings, 600 acres on rebuild, low tin, S/N 14250
row crop head, 6R30", (MANUAL IN OFFICE)
corn head, 6R30, S/N JJC0068387
corn head, 6R30, S/N 0730135U005940
corn head, 6R30"
corn head, 4 row, 36" spacing S/N 483923
4R38 S/N 336
corn head, 4R36, S/N 1864076100
corn head, 4R30, knife rolls, S/N 0730099U012490
4R30 corn head, knife rolls, S/N 000236H
corn head, 4R36, S/N 0730100U031483
corn head, 4R38
corn head, 36" spacings, high tin, level hand drive, S/N 34939
corn head, 4R36, S/N 0780132U001856
grain platform, stainless steel and poly, S/N 436481 MANUAL IN OFFICE
14' grain platform, S/N H00215F615476
grain platform, hyd. fore/aft, 15' poly bottom, S/N H00216F610774
grain platform, hyd. fore/aft, 17 1/2' flex, poly bottom, S/N JJC0062304
grain platform, 16 1/2', S/N 1480104U002021
cultivator, 12 row, flat fold, 3 pt.,
cultivator, 12R30 3 pt., flat fold,
rotary hoe, 3 pt.,
plow, 5 bottom,
5 bottom plow
6 bottom plow,
12 shank, chisel plow,
3 pt.,
field finisher, 24', walking tandems, 3 bar spring tine harrow,
field cultivator, 24', w/ midwest harrow, 5" ram on wingfold,
field finisher, 22', 3 bar spring tine harrow, walking tandems, (From the Ben Moore Estate)
vibra tiller, 35', walking tandems across,
field cultivator, 21', w/ 3 bar harrow
field finisher, 32", walking tandems across, 5 bar spike harrow, S/N N00960X017154
12' cultipacker with JD cylinder
14' grain platform, S/N 1850-63344
13' flex head, hyd. fore/aft, S/N 232232
14' grain platform, hyd. fore/aft, alum. reel S/N 1859-52374
down corn reel attachment for 8R30 corn head
38' head trailer, tandem axle, 38', S/N 103842M00500B7430
35' Head Trailer
35' Head Trailer
30' Head Trailer
30' Head Trailer
30' Head Trailer
tandem axle, extendable tongue 225/60R16 tires,
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