grain vac, 1000 PTO, full rack of pipe and hose, S/N 1021
grain vac 1000 PTO, full rack of pipe and hose, S/N 9454
grain cleaner, 8" auger, 2 hp
swing hopper/transfer auger, 12", hyd. drive, electric drive compatible
Drive over auger, S/N 10.09.09
drive over hopper, 10" auger, electric drive, hyd. lift, S/N R-GTS1000-97-0065
7 shank disc ripper walking tandems, hyd. adj. front & rear disc gangs, S/N JFH0020344
disc ripper, 5 shank, pull type, S/N JFH0020283
5 shank disc ripper, w/ disc leveler, spring resets, S/N N028700X000018
ripper, 7 shank, pull type, dic levelers, 3 bar spike harrow, S/N JFH0052149
disc ripper 7 shank, spring resets, hyd. adj. front disc gangs, rear disc closures
disc ripper, adj. disc gangs, walking tandems, S/N 1412H08023
ripper, 11 shank, hyd. adj. gang height S/N 04510H20000031
ripper, 7 shank, pull type, w/ McFarlane harrow, S/N 13611
disc ripper, 5 shank sub soiler, rolling leveler, S/N: 4390235
vertical tillage, 35', pull type, reel disc, wing fold, S/N 14564
vertical tillage, 35', wing fold, S/N 441031
vertical tillage, 30', S/N 13800
discovator, 33' pull type, hyd adj. front disc gangs, wing fold, walking tandems across, 9” sweeps, 5 bar spike harrow, S/N GP-1933DD
8 bottom land plow, rolling coulters
disc, 21 1/2', 9" spacings, 19 1/2" blades front, 20 1/2" blades rear, wing fold, tandems, S/N 0470000U026741
disc, 30', wing fold, new seal in all cylinders, S/N 010523A
soil saver, rear leveling bar, S/N 125131
field cultivator, 27 1/2', wing fold, 5 bar spike harrow, 600 acres on new shovels, walking tandems across,
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