#77 WIC R998
Current Bid:
USD $19,001.00
# of Bids
harvester, 8x22", currently set up as 6x30", poly grab rolls, belted chain, rear scrub, Dee row finder, light kit, 11R24.5 tandem carrier tires, 500 acres on New bed chains, includes parts to convert back to 8x22", Location: 8482 182 Ave SE, Wahpeton, ND, 58075, Contact: Tom or Brad (701) 642-1590 or IQBID Rep. Lynn Sather (218) 779-9308
Serial Number: H311402
TERMS:As with any auction all items sell as-is with no guarantees or warranties of any type. Descriptions, photos and statements made or offered by sellers or auction staff are deemed correct but are not guaranteed. You are responsible for your own physical inspections, due diligence and any bids placed. Payment is due within 2 business days or additional charges may incur.