MFWD, 1000 hrs., deluxe cab, 3 pt., large 1000 PTO, 4 hyd., IVT w/ RH reverser, 30 mph, buddy seat, CommandView II, 7” color display, deluxe radio, HID lights, cold weather pkg, quick hitch, Cat 4 drawbar, 44 gpm pump, front fenders, full cover rear fenders, 8 front weights, 1 pr 1400 rear weights, JDLink promotion 3 years, 480/80R50 rear duals, 420/85R34 front single, S/N 1RW8285RVDD077107 Extended Powertrain 60m/5000 hrs – expires 09/05/18, Emissions Warranty 60m/3000hr – expires 09/06/18
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